call to worship for the green season

The spirit of God moved over creation and a world was born. 

As this same spirit moves in this congregation, we too expect to be born into new ways of being, new ways of seeing the world. In our worship, in our daily lives, the spirit moves and we are created. 

Let us pray: 

Cosmic creator, divine designer, you call to us and we gather to worship. 

Pour your spirit on us, the spirit of imagination, of passion, of outrage, and of hope. Let us be your tireless, committed people, determined to show forth in our own lives what is possible. 

And when we are tired, too tired, let us be your spirit-led community, holding one another and carrying each others burdens, dreaming together of what may yet be. 

Let this hour of worship replenish us and draw us close to you.

Receive our worship, receive our love. 
