Now we’ve come to the time of a holy meal — the sacred table to which we are all invited.
Sacred community isn’t accidental; it is nurtured by food for our spirits and for our bodies. So we gather, to become what would otherwise be elusive — the community of Jesus.
We do this because Jesus showed us, told us, invited us. Like this:
The night before he would be arrested and executed, the night it would all fall apart, Jesus gathered for a meal with his friends. As they ate and drank, he continued to teach them, to show them what would be possible, and coach them on how to hold it all together.
The “holding it together” would be especially tricky and especially important, but he promised them that they would not have to do it by themselves.
He took the bread, one more time, and broke it; he took a cup, one more time and poured it.
This is me, he said, my body, my blood, my promise to you that for all that you will face together, you will not do it without beside you.
Eat, drink, and know that I am with you.
So they did, and so do we.
Let us pray: Merciful God, pour your spirit on these gifts of bread and wine. Let them be for us the strength and joy and imagination and power you desire for us, that we may be fed and strong for the days ahead. Amen.
Now let’s eat. These are the gifts of God for the people of God.
Post-Communion prayer:
Let us pray:
You have fed us, O God, with this meal, to make us your people of purpose. Go with us now into this world, that we may see as you do and love as you do. Amen.